Thursday, May 10, 2007

There is a Podcast for Everything

I've become a little addicted to podcasts, so I thought I'd share my top 5 with y'all...

1 - 90 Minutes of Yoga with Wade - a great vinyasa style workout. It could be confusing if you're unfamiliar with some basic yoga poses, but a library book and Wade will whip you into shape in no time.

2- Mars Hill Bible Church - Pastor Rob Bell (and other guest teachers) have some excellent sermons available. I'd definitely listen to We Already Are and Wine and Heaven if you get a chance.

3 - A Prairie Home Companion - Garrison Keillor delivers his weekly news from Lake Wobegon. Awesome.

4 - Grist Environmental News - A weekly update on what's going on...

5 - The Things That Matter Most - A radio show hosted by Lael Arrington and Rick Davis, they have amazing guests from all walks of life and talk about a huge array of things.

I left out the regular news programs because, well, everybody knows about those. Also, for those as hung up on the English language as I am, Grammar Girl has a great weekly podcast where she sets right the wrongs perpetrated daily by marketers and writers everywhere.

So what are you guys listening to?


Sarah said...

Our latest discovery is "Themetime Radio Hour" with Bob Dylan, on satellite radio. Once a week, Bob hosts this awesome show -- each week his playlist is based around a theme (e.g. heart, guns, mothers, the Bible). His musical choices are absolutely fantastic, and his commentary between songs has gotten a number of belly laughs out of me.

BTW, I'll try to comment on Ch 1-4 of A Generous Orthodoxy in the next couple of days!

Luz said...

In addition to being a Grammar Girl addict, I listen to the other Mars Hill in Seattle, NPR's All Songs Considered, and my weekly pride and joy, This American Life.