Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sooooo Frustrated

I was working this morning on the latest chapter of the Generous Orthodoxy discussion, and somehow lost my post on chapters 1-4. Unfortunately, google hadn't cached the page, and I think I'm pretty well SOL. I'm super annoyed at myself - does anyone by any chance use a feed reader or anything that kept a copy of it? I don't have a backup (I know: tsk, tsk) and can't for the life of me even remember what I wrote. I know it's unlikely, but I thought I'd ask...

But through it, I've learned a bit more about my blogging software. Which is actually great (and free), and I'd recommend it to those of you who blog. It's called Live Writer, and it can manage multiple blogs, add technorati tags, etc. It imports the settings from your blog, so you can see exactly how it will look as you're composing.

But, here are the limitations I've discovered. First, if you're using blogger, it doesn't automate the tagging of your posts, so you have to go back to your dashboard and do it manually. Second, unless you have web space (by the way, ucvhost has really cheap space) it won't upload your photos to blogger, so you'd have to use something like photobucket or flickr and insert an image from a web page. But if you do have web space, it automatically uploads and links to your images, which is nice and gets rid of some steps. Finally, as discovered this morning, if you use an old post as a template and don't create a new post, it stores the post ID and then overwrites the old post when you publish. But as long as you create a new post and cut and paste, it's great.


Joe Cheng said...

So sorry for you data loss. We should make that clearer.

Blogger labels are supported in an upcoming release and I'm sure it won't be too long before we support images for Blogger as well (Google recently made it possible).

Jasie said...

There's a first... the help desk found me, and not vice versa. :)

Thanks Joe!