Monday, May 07, 2007

Figuring It Out With Our Feet

Jamie recently wrote a post titled Losing Our Illusions: A Cry For Change, which you should definitely pop over and read. He is angry, and rightfully so:

We celebrate as freedoms the copious and vaccuous options of consumerism. We boast our accomplishment of racial equality from the safety of our white privilege and socially walled communities. We call ourselves Christians, expressions of the Body of Christ that spans time and the globe, and yet millions die needlessly of disease, poverty, violence and ignorance, both here and abroad while we remain silent or uncaring.

I resonate with his anger, and my tendency is to try and think through things and try and figure out some sort of solution. An impossible task, I know. He reminded me in his comments, however, that "the trick is that these issues cannot be solved in our mind, but only with our feet- where we go, how we live, etc. That is the costly price of overcoming these challenges." What a great reminder!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad it was helpful to you. Thanks for the shout out!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree-now I just need to put my feet on the ground and figure out the action steps. Mom