Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Same Kind of Different as Me

Buy From Amazon When my mom was here visiting, she brought this little book, Same Kind of Different as Me, and I gave it a quick read one day while sitting on the porch in the warm spring sun (which by the way, has completely disappeared and we've had nothing but gloomy cold wet weather since she left. I don't know if there is a corrolation, but I suspect there might be.) It was quick enough to read in one or two sittings, and it sucked me in so rapidly that I don't think I could have drawn it out for longer.

It is the true story of two men - one a rich white Texan art dealer and the other a homeless black man who spent much of his life as a sharecropper (a modern day slave) - and their remarkable friendship. It began in a homeless shelter in Ft. Worth and continued on through various changes and tragedies in both of their lives.

I was astounded to read about some of the realities of life as a cotton picker for "the man" that still occur in parts of the States - stories that betray the lie behind the idea that racism is a thing of the past. And also astounded to read about the way that God can use a single person to bring about change and healing when they are listening to His voice.

It is a stirring, emotionally and spiritually rich book (although I readily admit that Denver's spiritual experiences are far different than my own) that I would recommend to anybody. Buy it, give it a read, and pass it on. All proceeds from the sale of the book are going back to the homeless shelter that Ron and Denver met at, so you can do a good deed for them and give yourself a treat at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing about the book-it truly is a wothwhile read. Had no idea that the proceeds went the shelter. How cool! Mom

Eden said...

Hey- quick question. Has your number in the Grenier changed? I put Kay down as a reference for a job application and they haven't been able to contact her.
Enjoy your break,

Jasie said...

Eden -

No change in the number... but the phone itself is quirky, to put it mildly. Could be that.