Saturday, March 17, 2007


I just got a phone call from my mother: My dad got bitten by a rattlesnake and is being lifelighted from the ranch to the hospital. I don't know any details, but if you read this please pray for him. And also for me - I really wish I could be with my family right now.

Update: He's stabilizing, and they are planning to move him to ICU soon. He got struck on his hand, and at some point will have to undergo surgery to remove the damaged tissue. I don't know what that means, as far as the extent of the damage. His blood pressure is prohibiting any significant use of painkillers, so that basically sucks. I'll update here as I know more. Thanks, y'all.

Another Update: He's been moved to ICU now, and they've been able to give him more painkillers. He's conscious but groggy. I talked to George, our resident zoologist, and he assured me that the rattlers in that region don't have neurotoxins in their venom like others do, so that is some good news. He also said that the fact he was conscious boded well for not having brain damage, as his blood pressure had dropped precipitously low. So there are things to be thankful for.

Random Thought: He is in a hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas. Corpus Christi is Latin for 'the body of Christ'. It just passed through my brain, and it oddly gives me comfort to know that the Corpus Christi surrounds him on every plane right now. Silly, I know.


Lael said...

Jasie, your Mom was at our house when the call came about your Dad. So of course we are praying and deeply concerned. Jack called all the elders and emails have gone out to the entire church. I have emailed the International House of Prayer in Kansas City and they are praying too. We pray that God's power that raised Jesus from the dead will protect your Dad and restore him to full health. May God bring his Kingdom over that hospital and do miraculous works that show the beauty and brilliance of Jesus Christ. This is sent with a prayer for you as well. I know it must be hard to be so distant when your family is curcling around your Dad. Loving you and praying for you tonight.


Catez said...

I'm glad he is conscious, and will certainly mention him, and you in my prayers Jasie.

Lael said...

Jasie, good morning. We are sharing your blog address for updates on your Dad with the TBC church family. Thanks for the latest news whenever you get an update. I've loved so many of the things you've written and am glad many from our church may have a chance to read those entries as well. We never know how our words will ripple out to the hearts of others. We are getting LOTS of phone calls and keeping your Dad and all of you in our prayers.

Greg said...

Thanks for the call this morning. We have been praying for your Dad and will continue to check your blog for updates. So glad that George has been able to offer some insight. We also are praying for you as it is no doubt difficult to be so far away from family at this time.