Sunday, March 18, 2007

Another Update

Well, the good news is that Dad is eating solid food for the first time since Friday afternoon, and is enjoying it. The bad news is that the swelling has gotten worse, continuing to move up his arm and into his neck, and he has an enormous blister on the bottom of his hand that doesn't look good. The doctor is going to call poison control and they will do another round of antivenin today. Please pray that the swelling will diminish and not move any closer to his lungs and heart.  They're still keeping him in ICU, and will continue to do so for at least the day, most likely. Also, please pray for my mom, who is frustrated with the lack of information. The staff doesn't seem to have a ton of experience with snake bites, and she's really wishing someone could nail down a little more what she should be expecting, what's normal and what's not, etc.