Friday, March 02, 2007


I admit to being hopelessly and ashamedly confused about the situation in Iraq, but I feel like at least I'm in good company (hello, dubya). ABC recently reported that there are up to five different conflicts going on between various groups within Iraq as well as with the US. The reports on the front page seem to have a never-ending stream of death tolls, and to be perfectly honest, I get terribly sad and have a fuzzily directed anger in so many areas that instead of becoming an informed person, I turn away from it all in frustration. But, I found an article on Salon called The Iraq Insurgency for Beginners that I found somewhat helpful, so I just thought I'd post the link here for anyone interested. Although even if I can someday make sense of it, I don't think I'll ever be able to understand it.


Anonymous said...

You and me both! Thanks for the link. I'm going to try to read it toinght. Your reaction to the news must be genetic-I try to listen to the news in the morning as I get dressed but it is so depressing and I see no good solutions.It just makes me want to tune out in despair and try to focus on the pleasant things in my own life which is not exactly an admirable attitude. But what to do other than try to make "God's kingdom come" in your own little sphere of influence. If you get any better idesa,let me know. Mom