Sunday, March 18, 2007

No News Is Good News

It's 4 in the morning in Corpus Christi, so I'm sitting on my hands right now to keep myself from calling my family to check on Dad. I know they would call if there was anything major to report.

I just re-read the lovely emails I received yesterday (in part to reassure myself it all wasn't just a dream) and I want to say again how much all of the support has meant. Sometimes I worry about technology killing true community, but yesterday I experienced the way that it can really aid it. My community at l'abri rallied around me and loved me through the most tumultuous day of my life, and seeing the messages in my inbox from around the globe (some from people I scarcely know and yet who still took the time to contact me), knowing that they were sent with prayer for my dad and my family, brought me to tears every time I sat down. I was talking to my mom, and we both observed that we had never felt so supported in our lives. All of us were blown away. So thanks again for helping us through the day, and thanks for the continuing prayers on our behalf as my dad continues to heal.