Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chastity for Dummies

I just listened to a really great discussion with Lauren Winner, author of Real Sex: The Naked Truth About Chastity, that was hosted by the City Church of San Francisco. She talked a bit about some of the lies the church tells us about sex, for example that if you engage in sinful sexual behavior, you'll wake up feeling terrible and guilty. Nope, not so, says she. Also, she addresses the myth that men are highly sexual and emotionally thin, whereas women lack a forceful sex drive. Again, not so. I felt like she took a very realistic, scriptural approach to the topic, and while the focus of the talk was on the issue of sex, she tried to keep it in a less primary place in the grand scheme of things, talking in broader strokes about the nature of sin, etc.

Definitely worth a listen...


Kay said...

I really enjoyed the book. I found similar thoughts in Rob Bell's "Sex God," with the issues of sexuality and spirituality.