Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Karryn's Sweater

Karryn I finished Karryn's sweater, a lovely wool number it is already too warm on most days to wear - strange winter, this. But, it was terribly exciting to do... I knit it from top to bottom in one piece, with nary a single seam. Sewing needle required only to weave in the ends... it's the perfect project. Hurrah!

Currently on the needles... an aran short sleeved sweater for myself, a raglan cardigan for the brother, and a pair of cigar gloves for Julian.

Knitting to: We Are Scientists


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Can't wait for our little mini-vacation. Let's do nothing but read,knit,shop,walk,and eat! I'm seriously going to learn how to knit this time. Can you pick out a project for me, email a picture of it, and I'll pick out the yarn to bring over?
How can you possibly knit a sweater in one piece-I don't even understand that!
Love you! Mom
"We are Scientists"?