Friday, February 23, 2007

Amazing Grace

I just read a new review of Amazing Grace. I know I've referenced it before, and I still haven't seen the film so I can't offer a fabulous review/critique, but I find myself intrigued by the allure of this story and the lauding of the character (William Wilberforce) by press both liberal (IHT, Salon) and conservative (beliefnet, CT).  I don't know how much the film portrays Christianity as a driving factor in WW's life, and maybe it's sort of relegated to the background, but I feel like part of the draw is the connection between faith and social action that people just sort of 'sense'  should be there but that we so seldomly see lived out around us.  Perhaps we're all just thirsty for a story that exemplifies the power of faith put into action. A story that, quite literally, shows the power of Christ redeeming us from bondage and into freedom. That shows what can happen when we let anger compel us towards positive, culture shaping change. I need narratives like this - they help me regain my hope and footing when I get so overwhelmed by the chaos around me that I can't see any possibility for redemption within it.