Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today on our day off, I decided to try something completely new: cross-country skiing. Eden, Maria, Fallon and I headed out this morning to Col de la Croix, a beautiful mountain pass that we hike in the summer across the ridge, and that is home to a great ski track during winter. Of us, only Eden had gone cross-country before, and Fallon had never even been on skis. Needless to say, it was a very entertaining day. I learned the hard way that on skinny, light skis you just don't have the same amount of control, and on a downhill section I completely tumbled after nearly doing the splits while trying to wedge to a stop. I didn't have to feel too bad, though, as everyone but Eden spent ample time on their butts. In a particulary hysterical moment, Fallon tried to go downhilling on a slope we were crossing and ended up poised in the middle of about a thousand ski classes and downhill racers.

After an hour or so of exhausting ourselves, we stopped at La Buvette to chat and have a cup of mulled wine before skiing back to the car. It was so gorgeous - the sun was shining and we were able to sit outside and enjoy the view. Have I mentioned that I really love Switzerland?