Saturday, June 02, 2007


I came across this poem by Garret Keizer in a recent Image magazine...


Sometimes I can imagine Jesus swearing
with his own name. "Jesus Christ,"
he says, "not another book  about Jesus."

Really, I wonder how he can stand it.
If it makes me sick, how must it make him
mad, mad enough to take his own name

in vain. "Why not?" I hear him ask.
"Why not the name when my life is taken
in the same vein. How about taking

just one of my ideas and trying
it out for half a minute? Why not a search
for your own historical asses and leave mine be?

Make a decision instead of a goddamn book."
I can honestly hear him say it: "Jesus
H. Christ, and now another poem besides."


Anonymous said...

Ya just never know what's going to pop up on your screen! While I think I understood his point,I sure wish he'd chosen another way to make it!

Love you but not so much the poem.
Your mother

Jasie said...

The poem is a little discomfiting, I know, but I really liked it. It's odd that something like this can make us so uncomfortable, and yet we can see stories all over about poverty, hunger and people dying of AIDS, and we've just gotten used to it. It doesn't really phase us any more. Sad.

Julian said...

Loved the goddame poem! And I love your blog!